Monday, February 22, 2010

Program on The Asian Longhorned Beetle

Thursday, March 4th, from 3 to 5 pm

in the Hubbard Room of Russell Library in Middletown

The Asian Longhorned Beetle, an insect first found in New England in 2008, has caused the destruction of more than 30,000 trees in nearby Worcester, Mass. The State of Connecticut has crafted a response to the invasion and is pairing with the Middletown Garden Club to educate professional, municipal and home gardeners about the beetles. The presentation by Rose Hiskes, entomologist at the CT Agricultural Experiment Station CAES. The lecture is jointly sponsored by the Middletown Garden Club Conservation Committee and the CAES. Light refreshments will be served.

Because of the unusual life cycle of this beetle, it is very difficult to identify until enormous damage has been done. Targeted trees include many of the hardwood trees native to Connecticut. The only cure when the beetle infests an area is to clear-cut the targeted trees, which is what happened in Worcester, MA. A web site that describes reporting procedures for the beetle when it is identified is:

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