Monday, March 29, 2010

Manage a farmers' market in NYC

Grace Peterson '09 sends this information in about a job for graduating seniors or anybody interested in local sustainable food systems and environmental work:

Greenmarket, of GrowNYC, is looking for seasonal market managers to manage markets in all five boroughs. Individuals familiar with farmers' markets in the city know that they are large, well-run, well-publicized, and spread out over the city. The position would comprise of operations and promotion. They are looking for candidates that are outgoing, decisive, detail-oriented, flexible, and early-risers. Strong communications skills are necessary. Training begins in May and pay is $14/hour with no benefits.

Check out the job description

Please contact Grace at if you have any questions or would like her to pass your information on. Applications should be submitted in the next three weeks or so. You may also visit

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