Friday, April 16, 2010

Riverfront Clean-up

Sponsored by Middletown Lions Club and The Jonah Center for Earth and Art

Join us for spring cleaning at Harbor Park with special attention to Lions Landing at the north end and Columbus Point at the south end. This spring, the cleared portion of the park will be freshened up by raking debris and naturalizing the fence line by planting native Connecticut day lilies and ferns to keep out the vines. For the more energetic volunteers, the historic brownstone ferry docks will continue to be uncovered and made accessible for hiking and fishing. The southern portion of the park is bordered by Sumner Brook (next to Wesleyan's boathouse and Columbus Point). The north bank of the brook will be cleared of Japanese knot weed, bittersweet vines and Chinese Sumac saplings.

Volunteers are encouraged to wear long sleeved shirts and pants, hats, sunglasses, gloves and sturdy shoes. We will finish our work with a 1:00 p.m. BBQ at Lions Landing.

Please register your intention to join the effort and tell us if you plan to attend the BBQ by calling Lisa Santangelo at 860-346-1815.

Date: Saturday, 4/24

Time: 9:00 am-1:00 pm

Location: Harbor Park, Middletown

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